
ActiveImage Protector™ is available in a variety of editions with flexible licensing. These licenses include support service for the first year. Annual support services for subsequent years are available for purchase. Subscriptions to the IT Pro Edition are inclusive of support service.

  • Annual support service: Our support service provides technical support to your inquiries made via email, fax, or by telephone from Actiphy during business and support hours. Upgrade protection is offered during the support maintenance period via download.
Virtual EnvironmentActiveImage Protector Virtual EditionWin / LinuxPer host, for an unlimited number of VMs. (can also back up the host.)
ActiveImage Protector Virtual Edition Cloud LicenseWin / LinuxUp to 5 VMs. Host agnostic.
ActiveImage Protector Single Virtual Machine License for Public CloudWin / LinuxPer VM.(Windows/Linux)
ActiveImage Protector for Hyper-V EnterpriseWin / Linuxper Hyper-V host
Physical EnvironmentActiveImage Protector Server EditionWinper OS
ActiveImage Protector Server for RDXWinper OS
ActiveImage Protector Linux EditionLinuxper OS
ActiveImage Protector Linux for RDXLinuxper OS
ActiveImage Protector Desktop EditionWinper OS
IT TechnicianActiveImage Protector IT Pro EditionWin / LinuxYearly technician’s license for use on an unlimited number of systems. Solution for IT Technicians.
Cluster EnvironmentActiveImage Protector ClusterWinper Cluster/HA 2 node
ActiveImage Protector for CLUSTERPROWinper Cluster/HA 2 node
DeploymentActiveImage Delpoy USB for ServerWinper deploy
ActiveImage Delpoy USB for DesktopWinper deploy
ActiveImage Delpoy USB Plus for ServerWinper deploy
Ability to create a USB stick that restores the number of licenses
ActiveImage Delpoy USB Plus for DesktopWin per deploy
Ability to create a USB stick that restores the number of licenses